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6.01 Picture puzzles - solving simultaneous equations intuitively

Interactive practice questions

Each symbol has a value. The total sum of each row is shown alongside it.

We want to work out the value of each symbol.

The image shows a 3x4 grid with geometric shapes in each cell: blue triangles in the top row, green squares in the middle, and red circles at the bottom. Next to each row, numbers indicate the sums of the values represented by the shapes: $12$12 for the top row of triangles, $16$16 for the middle row of squares, and $4$4 for the bottom row of circles. A question mark under the fourth column prompts for the combined value of one triangle, one square, and one circle.

What is the value of one triangle?


What is the value of one square?


What is the value of one circle?


What is the value of a triangle, a square and a circle?

That is, what number should replace the question mark?


Each item has a price.

The total price of each row of items is shown alongside it.

We want to work out the price of each item.


Three students in a class bought some new equipment from the school stationery shop.

The items they each bought, and the total prices are shown below.


Scales 1 and 2 are in perfect balance.

How may As are needed to balance scale 3?

< 1min
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