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7.06 Volume of rectangular prisms

Interactive practice questions

Find the volume of the rectangular prism shown.


A three-dimensional rectangular prism with length dimensions labeled. The height of the prism is labeled as "4 cm," the width as "6 cm," and the length as "14 cm." The prism is outlined in green, and the lines representing its edges are slightly skewed to give a sense of depth.


< 1min

Find the volume of the rectangular prism shown.

< 1min

Here is a rectangular prism.

< 1min

A container has the shape of a rectangular prism, with the following dimensions: $50$50 cm, $80$80 cm, and $20$20 cm.

< 1min
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Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area of two dimensional figures composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons, and volume and surface area of three-dimensional objects composed of cubes and right prisms.

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