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6.06 Division where answers are decimals


Are you ready?

We've previously learned how to use a division algorithm to solve divisions with remainders. Let's try this problem to practice.

Find the value of $2516$2516$\div$÷​$8$8.

  1. $2516$2516$\div$÷​$8$8$=$=$\editable{}$ remainder $\editable{}$.


Sometimes when we divide whole numbers there is a remainder, this remainder can be expressed as a decimal. This video will show us how to find the decimal part. 


Question 1

Find the value of $286\div4$286÷​4.



This video looks at how to use long division to divide numbers. By remembering place value, we can divide each digit, working from left to right. Instead of thinking that we can't share any further, we move from units to tenths and so on if necessary. 


Question 2

Find the value of $690\div25$690÷​25.



When we are dividing, we always start with the digit that is farthest to the left. If we get to the end of the number with remainders, we can extend the number by placing a zero after the decimal point and using that as the next digit. We can do this as many times as necessary to find the remainder as a decimal.




Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between operations. Assess the reasonableness of answers using estimation strategies. (Limit multiplication problems so that the product does not exceed thousandths. Limit division problems so that either the dividend or the divisor is a whole number.)

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