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6.07 Divide decimals by 2 digit numbers


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Do you remember how to use the division algorithm for dividing without remainders? Let's try this problem to practice.

Find the value of $744\div8$744÷​8.


This video shows how we can use long division to divide numbers with decimals, the same way that we would for whole numbers. It also shows how we can use estimation to check the position of the decimal point.



Find the value of $68.4\div6$68.4÷​6.



When we are dividing, we always start with the digit that is farthest to the left, then continue to divide each digit to the right moving across the decimal to units, tenths and so on if necessary.

The place values of the number being divided and the result of the division should line up.




Estimate and determine the product and quotient of two numbers involving decimals

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