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4.02 Story problems with addition and subtraction



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Using a number line is helpful to solve addition or subtraction problems, and helps when we have more than one part to our problem.

Use the number line to help you find the value of $43+12$43+12.

  1. $43+12$43+12 $=$= $\editable{}$


Sometimes we need to read written or story problems, and work out what we need to solve. In this video, we have to find out what our problem is, then solve it.


There were $14$14 flowers in Eileen’s garden. $3$3 more flowers grew, then Eileen picked $6$6 flowers to put in a vase.

  1. Which number sentence matches the word problem for the number of flowers left in the garden?




  2. How many flowers are left in the garden?



When we have a word problem, we need to think about the story and use the keywords to work out which operators to use. Some words that we may find in a story could be:

addition subtraction
more less
add subtract
give to take away
plus minus

Can you think of other words to use for addition and subtraction?



Solve one- and two-step real-world problems involving any of four operations with whole numbers.

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