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PRACTICE: Subtraction



Let's go over some of the subtraction strategies we've looked at. These include:

  • jumping back, using a number line
  • bridging, or making up to $10$10
  • using the answer to one problem to find the answer to another problem, by compensating

We also looked at how to use a standard algorithm, writing our total first, then the number we are subtracting below it. This strategy can also be really useful if we need to trade, or regroup.


Question 1

Use the image of the number line, to help you find the value of $97-28$9728.


  1. $97-28$9728$=$=$\editable{}$

Question 2

Find the value of $896-5$8965.

Question 3

Find the value of $941-12$94112.


When we are subtracting, we can't write our numbers in any order, like we can for addition. We must write the total, then the number we are subtracting, or taking away.



Add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers including using a standard algorithm with procedural fluency.

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