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9.01 Convert units of length


Are you ready?

Do you remember the relationships between units of length? Let's try this problem to practice.

Convert $7$7 meters to centimeters.

  1. $7$7 m = $\editable{}$ cm


We can convert between units of length using the relationships:

$1$1 kilometer $=$= $1000$1000 meters
$1$1 meter $=$= $100$100 centimeters
$1$1 yard $=$= $3$3 feet
$1$1 foot $=$= $12$12 inches

This video shows us how to convert between units that are not directly related using two steps.


question 1

Convert $50$50 centimeters to meters.

  1. $50$50 cm = $\editable{}$ m

question 2

Convert $857000$857000 cm to km. Write your answer as a decimal.

  1. $857000$857000 cm = $\editable{}$ km



When converting from smaller units to bigger units, we want to multiply by the conversion factor.

When converting from bigger units to smaller units, we want to divide by the conversion factor.




Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system (for example, convert 5 cm to 0.05 M); use these conversions in solving multi-step, real world problems.

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