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6.03 Powers of 10 with decimals


Are you ready?

We have learned how to multiply and divide whole numbers by $10$10 and can relate this to place value. Let's try this problem to practice.

Complete these number sentences.

  1. $8\times10=\editable{}$8×10=

  2. $80\times10=\editable{}$80×10=

  3. $800\times10=\editable{}$800×10=

  4. $8000\times10=\editable{}$8000×10=


This video looks at what happens to numbers with decimals when we multiply by $10$10 or $100$100.


Another word that we can use to describe the ones place is 'units', which can be represented by 'U' in a place value table.


Question 1

Find the value of $11.52\times100$11.52×100.



This video looks at what happens to numbers with decimals when we divide by $10$10 or $100$100.


Question 2

Find the value of $149.3\div100$149.3÷​100.



This video looks at what we can do when multiplying and dividing by $10000$10000.


Question 3

Find the value of $39.03\times10000$39.03×10000.



The powers of $10$10 to remember are: $10$10, $100$100, $1000$1000 and $10000$10000.

When you multiply or divide by a power of $10$10, each digit of your number is increased or decreased by that value, and moves up or down by as many place value positions as there are zeros.




Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10, and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10. Use whole-number exponents to denote powers of 10.

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