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15.03 Grids


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Rows run across, from left to right, like rows of seats in a cinema. Columns run up and down, like columns of an ancient Greek temple. Can you identify the  row or the column  an item is located in?


Example 1

Which row is the owl in?

A grid with images of objects placed in different positions. Ask your teacher for more information.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Look for the owl then look to the left to see which row it is in.

Apply the idea

The owl is in row 1.

Idea summary

Rows run across, from left to right. Columns run up and down, like a statue.

Find objects on a map

This video shows us how to interpret grid references to locate an object on a map, and also how to write grid references to describe a position.

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Example 2

What is the location of the carrots?

A grid with images of objects placed in different positions. Ask your teacher for more information.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

State the column and row that the carrots are in.

Apply the idea

The carrots are in column A, row 4.

Idea summary

We label our grid using letters, across the top or bottom, and numbers down the sides. Our grid reference starts with the letter first, then the number.



uses simple maps and grids to represent position and follow routes, including using compass directions

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