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13.06 Transform 2D shapes


Are you ready

Do you remember what a  right angle  is?


Use the applet below to compare a right angle to other angles.

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A right angle is 90\degree.


Example 1

A right angle is a:

Quarter turn
Half turn
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Recall that 4 right angles make up a circle.

A circle with 4 right angles at the center. Ask your teacher for more information.
Apply the idea

Since 4 right angles make up a circle, and a circle makes up a full turn, a right angle is \dfrac{1}{4} of a circle or a quarter turn.

The answer is A: Quarter turn.

Idea summary

A right angle is a quarter turn around a circle.


This video looks at what happens when we flip a shape.

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Example 2

Choose the picture that shows a flip.

Two identical hammers. One is below and to the right of the other.
Two identical tables, one is a mirror image of the other.
Two identical frogs. One is turned to the right and next to the other.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Choose the option that shows two objects that are mirror-images of each other.

Apply the idea

Option B is the correct answer because the two tables are mirror-images of each other.

Idea summary

A flip is when the object flipped or reflected across a line, and the result is a mirror image.


This video takes a look at slides.

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Example 3

Choose the picture that shows a slide.

Two identical combs. One is below and to the right of the other.
Two identical buckets, one is a mirror image of the other.
Two identical kangaroos, one is turned to the right and next to the other.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Choose the option that shows two objects where one object is moved along a straight line from the other.

Apply the idea

Option A is the correct answer because the comb has been moved down and to the right from its original position, but has not flipped or turned.

Idea summary

A slide is when the object moved along a straight line.


This video takes a look at turns.

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Example 4

Choose the picture that shows a turn.

Two identical buckets, one is a mirror image of the other.
Two identical combs. One is below and to the right of the other.
Two identical kangaroos, one is turned to the right and next to the other.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Choose the option that shows two objects where one object is turned.

Apply the idea

Option C is the correct answer because the kangaroo on the right has been turned.

Idea summary

Flips, turns and slides are all known as transformations, as they change the shape (transform it) from one position to another.



manipulates, identifies and sketches two-dimensional shapes, including special quadrilaterals, and describes their features

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