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6.15 Multiplication by 9


Are you ready?

Multiplication looks at equally sized groups. Can you solve this problem?


Example 1

Find the value of 8 \times 5.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

This can be thought of as 8 groups of 5 squares, as represented in the image below.

The image shows eight rows of five squares.
Apply the idea

There are 40 squares in the above image.8 \times 5 = 40

Idea summary

Thinking of multiplication as equally sized groups of objects can make multiplication easier.

9 times table

9 groups is 1 less than 10 groups. Let's look at how we can use this to help us learn the 9 times tables.

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Example 2

Find the value of 5\times9.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

We can think of this as 10 groups of 5 minus 1 group of 5.

Apply the idea

First find 10 groups of 5:

\displaystyle 10\times5\displaystyle =\displaystyle 50Add a 0

1 group of 5 is just 5. So now we subtract 5 from 50:

\displaystyle 50-5\displaystyle =\displaystyle 45Subtract 1 group from 5 groups

So we have:

\displaystyle 5\times9\displaystyle =\displaystyle 45
Idea summary

When mutiplying by 9:

  • 9 groups can be thought of as 10\text{ groups }- 1\text{ group.}
  • When we look at the answers up until 9\times10, the units have a descending pattern and the tens have an increasing pattern: 9, \, 18, \, 27, \,36, \, \ldots
  • If we add the digits in the answers of the nine times tables until we get a single digit, that digit is always 9.



uses mental and informal written strategies for multiplication and division


generalises properties of odd and even numbers, generates number patterns, and completes simple number sentences by calculating missing values

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