Do you remember how to count by 10's and 100's ?
Find the value of:
10 more than 69
Count up by 10\,on the number line or use the place value table.
Start at 69 and count up by 10. We landed on number 79.
So, the value of 10 more than 69\,is 79.
We could also write the numbers in a place value table and add the values in each column to get the same answer.
100 more than 69
Write the numbers in a place value table and add the values in each column.
So, the value of 100 more than 69\,is 169.
Let's see how we can count by 100's and 1000's.
Complete the pattern by adding 1000 each time.
3615,\,⬚,\,⬚,\,6615,\, ⬚
Use the place value table to add 1000.
Use a place value table to add 1000 to 3615:
The amount in the thousands place goes up by one and we get a result of\,4615. The ones and tens value does not change.
We can add 1000 again to complete the pattern by increasing the thousands value by one.
The complete pattern is 3615,\,4615, \,5615,\,6615,\,7615.
applies place value to order, read and represent numbers of up to five digits