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Middle Years

10.05 Area of parallelograms

Interactive practice questions

Consider the following parallelogram.

A parallelogram is depicted with a base labeled as 10 cm and a vertical height marked as 6 cm, indicated by a dashed line. The height is drawn perpendicular to the base, forming a shaded right-angled triangle, which is denoted by a square at the intersection of the height and the base. There are double arrows on two opposing bases, suggesting congruency.

If the parallelogram was cut and reformed into the shape of a rectangle, what would the length and width of that rectangle be?

Length: $\editable{}$ cm
Width: $\editable{}$ cm

Therefore find the area of the parallelogram.


By rearranging the parallelogram into a rectangle, find its area.

< 1min

Complete the table to find the area of the parallelogram shown.

< 1min

Complete the table to find the area of the parallelogram shown.

< 1min
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