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5.02 Graphing systems of equations

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The following graph displays a system of two equations.

Write down the solution to the system in the form $\left(x,y\right)$(x,y).

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The coordinate plane is marked from $-10$10 to $10$10 on both $x$x- and $y$y-axes. Two lines are plotted on the plane and intersect at points ($6$6,$-3$3).
< 1min

The following graph displays a system of two equations.

< 1min

Which of the following graphs shows a system of equations with no solution?

< 1min

The following graph displays a system of two equations.

< 1min
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Write systems of two linear equations given a table of values, a graph, and a verbal description


Graph systems of two linear equations in two variables on the coordinate plane and determine the solutions if they exist


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