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3.02 Ratios of sides and angles of right-angled triangles

Interactive practice questions

Which of the following is the opposite side to angle $\theta$θ?

A right-angled triangle has vertices labeled in a counterclockwise direction: vertex $A$A is positioned at the top, vertex $B$B at the bottom left, and vertex $C$C at the bottom right.  At vertex $A$A$\angle BAC$BAC is labeled as $\alpha$α. At vertex $B$B$\angle ABC$ABC is labeled as $\theta$θ. At vertex $C$C , $\angle ACB$ACB is the right angle denoted by a small square. The hypotenuse is the side $overline(AB)$overline(AB). Side $overline(BC)$overline(BC) is opposite to angle $\alpha$α$Sideoverline(BC)$Sideoverline(BC) is adjacent to angle $\theta$θ. Side $overline(AC)$overline(AC) is opposite to angle $\theta$θ$Sideoverline(AC)$Sideoverline(AC) is adjacent to angle $\alpha$α. Side $overline(AC)$overline(AC) is not adjacent to angle $theta$theta.






< 1min

Which of the following is the adjacent side to angle $\alpha$α?

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Which of the following is the opposite side to angle $\alpha$α?

< 1min

Which of the following is the adjacent side to angle $\theta$θ?

< 1min
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