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8.02 Venn diagrams and two-way tables

Interactive practice questions

A student creates the following diagram of their favourite animals.

A Venn diagram with two overlapping circles inside a rectangle. The left circle is labeled "Four legs" and is shaded light blue. The right circle is labeled "Stripes" and is shaded light green. The overlapping section of the circles is shaded a lighter green-blue color. The rectangle is shaded pink. $Turtle$Turtle, $hippo$hippo, $lion$lion, and $elephant$elephant is within the left circle, outside the overlap. $Clownfish$Clownfish is within the right circle, outside the overlap. $Zebra$Zebra and $tiger$tiger is in the overlap. $Crow$Crow and $kangaroo$kangaroo is outside both circles, but within the rectangle.

How many of the animals have four legs?


How many of the animals have four legs and stripes?


How many of the animals have four legs or stripes, but not both?

< 1min

A small magazine asked people from different states to send in a vote on whether they supported Daylight Saving Time.


$180$180 tennis players were asked whether they would support equal prize money for the women’s and men’s draw.

< 1min

A healthy living initiative asked people to describe how often they go to the gym.

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List all outcomes for two-step chance experiments, both with and without replacement using tree diagrams or arrays. Assign probabilities to outcomes and determine probabilities for events.


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