State the number of significant figures in the following numbers:
State the smallest possible number of significant figures in the following numbers:
A rainfall gauge has markings every 10\text{ mL}. If 369\text{ mL} of rain fell in this gauge, to how many significant figures would the rain be recorded?
Beth just bought a house for \$858\,400. When asked for the price by her friend, she said she paid around \$860\,000. To how many significant figures did Beth round the price in her answer?
Consider the number 1083.
Round 1083 to:
One significant figure
Two significant figures
Find the difference between these two rounded values.
Round the following numbers to two significant figures:
Round the following numbers to three significant figures:
Round the following numbers to four significant figures:
Round the following numbers to five significant figures:
Express the fraction \dfrac{13}{7} as a decimal to five significant figures.
Express the fraction \dfrac{2}{35} as a decimal to four significant figures.
Calculate the following and give your answers to an appropriate number of significant figures:
1.4 \times 1.41
3.9488 \times 1.21
Use your calculator to round the following to three significant figures:\dfrac{\left(9.45\right)^{9} + 8 \pi}{\sqrt{\left(\dfrac{3}{2} + 5^{2}\right)}}
A number has been rounded to two significant figures. If the rounded number is 4500, find the largest possible integer value of the original number.
A number has been rounded to two significant figures. If the rounded number is 8700, find the largest possible integer value of the original number.
The population of a small town has been reported as 5000 people.
Could the population of the town have been rounded to two significant figure? Explain your answer.
If the population number has been rounded to two significant figures, state the largest and smallest populations.
If the population number has been rounded to one significant figure, state the largest and smallest populations.