Tina counts $26$26 heart beats over a $20$20 second interval.
How many groups of $20$20 seconds are in $1$1 minute?
What is Tina's heart rate in beats per minute (bpm)?
Valerie counts $12$12 heart beats over a $10$10 second interval. What is her heart rate in beats per minute (bpm)?
Michael is attending to a patient on the way to the emergency department. In the ambulance, he takes a quick measurement of the patient's heart rate, and finds it to be $30$30 beats over $15$15 seconds. An hour later, in the hospital he takes a more detailed measurement and finds the patient's heart rate to be $189$189 beats over $90$90 seconds.
A pulse was recorded beating at $17$17 times per $15$15 seconds. How many beats per minute is this?