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1.06 Calculations with decimals


Using a calculator with decimals

The decimal point button looks like a full stop key. You enter the decimal just as it is written on the page.

For example the number $1.35$1.35, you would enter:

$\editable{1}$1 $\editable{.}$. $\editable{3}$3 $\editable{5}$5


Practice questions

Question 1

Consider $11.59\div4.44$11.59÷​4.44

  1. Estimate the answer by rounding both values to the nearest whole number.

  2. Use a calculator to evaluate $11.59\div4.44$11.59÷​4.44 and write the answer below. Give your answer to two decimal places.

  3. What is the difference between the estimate and the actual answer?

Question 2

Consider $7.38\times8.12$7.38×8.12

  1. Estimate the answer by rounding both values to the nearest whole number.

  2. Use a calculator to evaluate $7.38\times8.12$7.38×8.12 and write the answer below. Give the complete decimal answer.

  3. What is the difference between the estimate and the actual answer?

Question 3

Evaluate $\frac{0.323}{0.019}$0.3230.019



check results of calculations for accuracy


choose and use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, or combinations of these operations, to solve practical problems


apply arithmetic operations according to their correct order


evaluate fractions and decimals of quantities to the required number of decimal places; for example, 3/4 of 250 ml, 0.4 of 3kg


use a calculator appropriately and efficiently for multi-step calculations

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