We multiply and divide algebraic terms using this process:
Split each term into its coefficient and its pronumerals.
Find the product or quotient of the coefficient of the terms.
When multiplying, combine like factors into a power. For example, x\times x=x^2.
When dividing, cancel any common factors. For example, x\div x=1.
Combine the coefficient and pronumerals into one term.
Unlike adding and subtracting , when we multiply or divide algebraic terms, we can collect them into one term.
Simplify the expression 7\times u\times v\times 9.
Simplify the expression \dfrac{15yw}{5y}.
We multiply and divide algebraic terms using this process:
Split each term into its coefficient and its pronumerals.
Find the product or quotient of the coefficient of the terms.
When multiplying, combine like factors into a power. For example, x\times x=x^2.
When dividing, cancel any common factors. For example, x\div x=1.
Combine the coefficient and pronumerals into one term.
Unlike adding and subtracting, when we multiply or divide algebraic terms, we can collect them into one term.