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1.10 Properties of real numbers


Recall that the numbers that we use regularly for counting and measuring are called the real numbers. They include zero, the positive and negative whole numbers, the numbers that can be written as fractions, and every number in between.

The real numbers are so familiar to us that we hardly notice that there are certain special properties that they have that involve the addition and multiplication operations. One reason for taking the trouble now to consider these properties is that mathematicians have invented objects other than ordinary numbers that have addition and multiplication operations defined for them but for which the rules for real numbers do not always apply.

Addition (and subtraction)

If we add two numbers, represented by the letters $a$a and $b$b, it makes no difference whether we think of $a+b$a+b or $b+a$b+a. The order does not matter.

This property is called the commutative property of addition.


If three numbers $a$a, $b$b and $c$c are to be added, we can add the first two and then add the third to the result, or we can add the first to the result of adding the second and third. In symbols, $(a+b)+c\equiv a+(b+c)$(a+b)+ca+(b+c).

This property is called the associative property of addition.


For every real number $a$a, there exists a number $b$b such that $a+b=0$a+b=0

The numbers $a$a and $b$b are called additive inverses of one another. We usually write $-a$a instead of $b$b and we recognize the familiar fact that $a+(-a)=0$a+(a)=0.

The number $0$0 is called the additive identity element of the real numbers.

The additive identity has the property that for any number $a$a, we have $a+0=a$a+0=a.  In other words, adding the number zero to a number doesn't change the number.


Multiplication (and division)

If we multiply two numbers, $a$a and $b$b, it makes no difference whether we think of $a\times b$a×b or $b\times a$b×a. The order does not matter.

This property is called the commutative property of multiplication.


If three numbers $a$a$b$b and $c$c are to be multiplied, we can multiply the first two and then multiply the result by the third, or we can multiply the first by the result of multiplying the second and third. In symbols, $(ab)c\equiv a(bc)$(ab)ca(bc)

This property is called the associative property of multiplication.


For every real number $a$a, except zero, there exists a number $b$b such that $ab=1$ab=1

The numbers $a$a and $b$b are called multiplicative inverses of one another. We usually write $\frac{1}{a}$1a instead of $b$b and we recognize the familiar fact that $a\times\frac{1}{a}=1$a×1a=1 for $a\ne0$a0.

The number $1$1 is called the multiplicative identity element of the real numbers.

The multiplicative identity has the property $a\times1=a$a×1=a .


The distributive property

The expression $a(b+c)$a(b+c) means that $b$b and $c$c are to be added and then the result is multiplied by $a$a.

We get the same final result by multiplying $a$a and $b$b and also $a$a and $c$c, and then adding the separate results. In symbols, $a(b+c)\equiv ab+ac$a(b+c)ab+ac.

This property is called the distributive property

Fun fact:

If the positions of the addition and multiplication signs are swapped so that we have $a+(b\times c)$a+(b×c), a similar distributive rule is not true. That is,  $a+b\times c$a+b×c is not equal to $(a+b)\times(a+c)$(a+b)×(a+c).

This is one situation in which we must observe the correct 'order of operations' when simplifying expressions. The multiplication must be done first.


Worked example

Question 1

Verify the distributive property in the special case where $a=3$a=3, $b=13$b=13 and $c=-1$c=1. Use the expression $a(b+c)$a(b+c).

Think: The distributive property says $a(b+c)=ab+ac$a(b+c)=ab+ac. In this case, we need to check that $3\times(13+(-1))$3×(13+(1)) is the same as $3\times13+3\times(-1)$3×13+3×(1).

Do: Evaluate the expressions.
$3\times(13+(-1))$3×(13+(1)) $=$= $3\times12$3×12
  $=$= $36$36


$3\times13+3\times(-1)$3×13+3×(1) $=$= $39+(-3)$39+(3)
  $=$= $36$36

So, the expressions are the same for these numbers.

Reflect:  How might you apply the same strategy to verify the other properties of real numbers?


Practice questions

Question 2

Which property is demonstrated by the following statement?


  1. Commutative property of multiplication


    Associative property of multiplication


    Distributive property


    Associative property of addition


    Commutative property of addition


Question 3

Consider the following statement: $-6\cdot5=\editable{}\cdot\left(-6\right)$6·5=·(6)

  1. Which property needs to be used to complete the statement?

    Commutative property of multiplication


    Commutative property of addition


    Associative property of multiplication


    Associative property of addition


    Distributive property

  2. Hence write the missing value.


Question 4

Which property does the following statement demonstrate?


  1. Distributive property


    Identity property


    Commutative property


    Associative property


    Inverse property


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