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6.04 Solving systems of equations with the elimination method

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Consider the following system of equations.

Equation 1 $3x+7y=-6$3x+7y=6
Equation 2 $2x-y=-17$2xy=17

Suppose we want to solve this system by using the elimination method and eliminating $y$y.


What value can we multiply Equation 2 by so that the coefficients of $y$y in each equation are opposite numbers?


What equation do we get when we multiply the second equation by $7$7?


Consider this system of equations.

Equation 1 $\frac{2x}{5}+\frac{3y}{5}=-\frac{7}{5}$2x5+3y5=75
Equation 2


< 1min

Consider the following system of equations.

$-8x$8x $-$ $y$y $=$= $0$0
$-5x$5x $+$+ $3y$3y $=$= $6$6

We are solving this system using the elimination method.


When we solve a system of equation using the addition method, what happens when the system has no solutions?

< 1min
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Analyze and solve a system of two linear equations in two variables in slope-intercept form. • Understand that solutions to a system of two linear equations correspond to the points of intersection of their graphs because the point of intersection satisfies both equations simultaneously. • Solve real-world and mathematical problems leading to systems of linear equations by graphing the equations. Solve simple cases by inspection.

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