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7.03 Mean and median as measures of center

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Find the mean of the following scores:

$6$6, $4$4

< 1min

Find the mean of the following scores:

$8$8, $5$5

< 1min

Find the mean of the following scores:

$4$4, $10$10, $2$2, $9$9, $5$5

< 1min

Find the mean of the following scores:

$6$6, $14$14, $10$10, $13$13, $5$5, $9$9, $14$14, $15$15

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Understand that a set of data collected to answer a statistical question has a distribution which can be described by its center, spread, and overall shape.


Determine the measure of center of a data set and understand that it is a single number that summarizes all the values of that data set.• Understand that a mean is a measure of center that represents a balance point or fair share of a data set and can be influenced by the presence of extreme values within the data set.• Understand the median as a measure of center that is the numerical middle of an ordered data set.


Understand that both a measure of center and a description of variability should be considered when describing a numerical data set.


Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context.


Analyze center and variability by:• Giving quantitative measures of center, describing variability, and any overall pattern, and noting any striking deviations.• Justifying the appropriate choice of measures of center using the shape of the data distribution.

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