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7.07 Surface area of rectangular prisms

Interactive practice questions

Consider the following cube with a side length equal to $6$6 cm. Find the total surface area.

A three-dimensional cube is depicted on the picture. Hash marks on each side of the cube indicates congruence to its measurement, so if one side is measured as 6cm, it means that all sides are equal to 6cm 

Find the surface area of the cube shown.

< 1min

Consider the following rectangular prism with length, width, and height, equal to $12$12 m, $6$6 m, and $4$4 m, respectively.

Find the surface area of the prism.


Find the surface area of the following rectangular prism. All dimensions are in cm.

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Describe the two-dimensional shapes that result from slicing three-dimensional solids parallel or perpendicular to the base.


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