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1.01 Review: The Pythagorean theorem

Interactive practice questions

Calculate the value of $c$c in the triangle below.

A right-angled triangle with a right angle shown at the bottom right corner. The base is labeled as 14 cm, the height on the right side is labeled as 48 cm, and the hypotenuse is labeled with c cm. There is a small square at the right angle indicating the 90-degree angle.


Find the length of the hypotenuse, $c$c in this triangle.

< 1min

Find the length of the hypotenuse, $c$c in this triangle.

Give the answer in the form $c=\editable{}$c=.

< 1min

Iain’s car has run out of gasoline. He walks $12$12 km west and then $9$9 km south looking for a gasoline station.

If he is now $h$h km directly from his starting point, find the value of $h$h.

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