Determine whether the following classify as numerical or non-numerical data:
Favourite flavours
Maximum temperature
Daily temperature
Types of horses
Amount owing on layby
Types of vegetables
Brands of tablets
Types of folders
Daily UV index
Maximum rainfall
Favorite colours
Colours of folders
Brands of phones
Determine whether the following classify as categorical or non-categorical data:
Maximum snowfall
Daily UV index
Types of dogs
Favorite colours
Amount owing on a purchase
Brands of phones
Types of fruits
Colours of folders
For each of these numerical data types, identify whether they are discrete or continuous:
Number of classrooms at a school
Daily humidity
The ages of a group of people
The time taken to run 200 metres
Lengths of cats' whiskers
The distance from Earth to Mars
How long it takes to fall asleep
Amount paid for walking the dog
The number of people taller than you
The top speed of different motorcycles
The size a coin collection
The amount of soda you drink in a day
The best time for solving a Rubik's cube
The hourly pay rate for a particular job
Number of views of a YouTube channel
The snowfall in your city
Number of children in your sports team
The strength of an earthquake
Amount of money owing on a mortgage
Your marks in a Physics test
State whether the following are nominal or ordinal data:
Eye colour
Your birthdate
Favourite song
State/territory of birth
Year level
Speed of light
Position in a queue
Classify the following data into the following categories:
Population of your town
Heights of people at a carnival
Weights of dogs
The languages spoken in your class