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10.095 Misleading graphs



Misleading graphs

Charts are often used in the media to show comparisons and describe trends. At times, they are also used to misrepresent information and promote a biased view.

Some of the ways in which a chart can be misleading include:

  • Biased labelling
  • Missing a scale on one of the axes
  • Not starting the vertical axis scale at zero
  • Using a scale that isn't uniform
  • Having an inappropriate scale for the given data (making variations seem less important than they are)
  • Only displaying a select portion of the data
  • Using the wrong type of chart
  • Using inappropriate scaling on chart elements like bars or sectors. 
  • Using unconventional methods



Practice question

Question 1

The Australian Labour Party released this graph after Tony Abbot was elected as Prime Minister.

  1. Which of the following comments apply:

    This graph is misleading because the scale on the vertical axis is not uniform.


    This graph is misleading because it claims that there are always an equal number of male and female cabinet members to choose from


    This graph is misleading because it claims that all cabinet sizes are the same.


    This graph is misleading because there are no European countries included.




represents information in symbolic, graphical and tabular form


develops and carries out simple statistical processes to answer questions posed

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