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6.05 Australian time zones and daylight savings

Interactive practice questions

If it is $16$16:$14$14 in Sydney in Daylight Savings Time, what time would it be in Eastern Standard Time?

$16$16:$14$14 AEDT would be $\editable{}$:$\editable{}$ AEST.

< 1min

If it is $2$2:$49$49 AM in Sydney in Daylight Savings Time, what time would it be in Eastern Standard Time?

< 1min

If it is $11$11:$50$50 PM in Sydney in Daylight Savings Time, what time would it be in Eastern Standard Time?

< 1min

If it is $14$14:$35$35 in Sydney in Eastern Standard Time, what time would it be in Daylight Savings Time?

< 1min
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