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Class VII

Compare addition and subtraction statements with decimals


Comparing statements

When we compare statements, we are looking to see if one side is less than ($<$<), greater than ($>$>) or equal to ($=$=) the other side. We've seen with whole numbers that solving each side helps us determine which symbol makes the statement true. Let's look now and see how we can use this same process with decimals.

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Using grids and other methods

As well as solving the number problems, there are other ways to find out how to make statements true. By using grids and shading what each side of our statement represents, we can compare them, just like in this image:






Other times, we can think about what has happened on each side of our statement, and this helps us decide which symbol will make the statement true. Let's work through some examples now.

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It's not always necessary to solve each side of the statement mathematically. By using grids, or looking at what has occurred on each side, it is possible to figure out which symbol will make the statement true.

question 1

Enter the sign, $=$=, $<$< or $>$> that correctly shows the size of the statements below.

  1. $1.6+1.8\editable{}1.8+1.6$1.6+1.81.8+1.6

question 2

Enter the sign, $=$=, $<$< or $>$> that correctly shows the size of the statements below.

  1. $0.24+0.12\editable{}0.24+0.15$0.24+0.120.24+0.15

question 3

Enter the sign, $=$=, $<$< or $>$> that correctly shows the size of the statements below.

  1. $0.49+0.51\editable{}0.59+0.41$0.49+0.510.59+0.41



Multiplication and division of decimal fractions

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