We have seen how to order decimals to the tenths and now we can extend our process to include hundredths. We use the same process but numbers in the hundredths place have a smaller value.
In Video 1, we will work through some examples, using a couple of different ways to order the list of numbers. As you practise, you may find one way suits you more than the other. The main thing to remember is the place value of the numbers you are comparing.
Sometimes you might need to compare a mixture of numbers with tenths and hundredths. This can be done more than one way, including renaming the tenths to hundredths. Find out how to do this in Video 2.
Is $0.31$0.31 greater than $0.33$0.33?
Select either $>$> or $<$< to complete the following:
$6.64$6.64 | ___ | $6.61$6.61 |