We've seen that we can add decimals in a similar way to adding whole numbers. We've also seen how to create and continue patterns with whole numbers. Let's bring these two together now, and work with patterns that use decimals!
Here are some examples of ways patterns can be described.
Complete the pattern by adding 0.3 each time.
$0.4$0.4, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___
or perhaps simply:
Complete the pattern.
$3.6$3.6, $3.3$3.3, $3.1$3.1, ___, ___
Watch the video below to see how we do these!
So to complete a pattern, we need to:
Complete the pattern by adding $0.1$0.1 each time.
$0.1$0.1 | $\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ |
Consider the following pattern.
What is the pattern?
$0.3$0.3 | $0.5$0.5 | $0.7$0.7 | $\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ |
The numbers are increasing by $0.02$0.02.
The numbers are increasing by $0.2$0.2.
The numbers are increasing by $2$2.
The numbers are increasing by $20$20.
Now complete the pattern.
$0.3$0.3 | $0.5$0.5 | $0.7$0.7 | $\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ |
Consider the following pattern.
What is the pattern?
$1.8$1.8 | $1.6$1.6 | $1.4$1.4 | $\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ |
The numbers are decreasing by $2$2.
The numbers are decreasing by $0.2$0.2.
The numbers are decreasing by $0.02$0.02.
The numbers are decreasing by $20$20.
Now complete the pattern.
$1.8$1.8 | $1.6$1.6 | $1.4$1.4 | $\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ | $\editable{}$ |