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Grade 12

Sums and differences as products (deg)



If the sine and cosine sum and difference formulas are written down side-by-side it becomes apparent that useful results can be obtained by adding some of them them in pairs.

$\sin\left(A+B\right)\equiv\sin A\cos B+\sin B\cos A$sin(A+B)sinAcosB+sinBcosA $\left(1\right)$(1)
$\sin\left(A-B\right)\equiv\sin A\cos B-\sin B\cos A$sin(AB)sinAcosBsinBcosA $\left(2\right)$(2)
$\cos\left(A+B\right)\equiv\cos A\cos B-\sin A\sin B$cos(A+B)cosAcosBsinAsinB $\left(3\right)$(3)
$\cos\left(A-B\right)\equiv\cos A\cos B+\sin A\sin B$cos(AB)cosAcosB+sinAsinB $\left(4\right)$(4)





If we add (1) and (2), we have 

$\sin\left(A+B\right)+\sin\left(A-B\right)=2\sin A\cos B$sin(A+B)+sin(AB)=2sinAcosB $\left(5\right)$(5)

Similarly, from (3) and (4) we obtain, by addition,

$\cos\left(A+B\right)+\cos\left(A-B\right)=2\cos A\cos B$cos(A+B)+cos(AB)=2cosAcosB $\left(6\right)$(6)



and by subtraction,

$\cos\left(A-B\right)-\cos\left(A+B\right)=2\sin A\sin B$cos(AB)cos(A+B)=2sinAsinB $\left(7\right)$(7)

Equations (5), (6) and (7) give the following three product formulas:

$\sin A\cos B=\frac{1}{2}\left(\sin\left(A+B\right)+\sin\left(A-B\right)\right)$sinAcosB=12(sin(A+B)+sin(AB)) $\left(5a\right)$(5a)
$\cos A\cos B=\frac{1}{2}\left(\cos\left(A+B\right)+\cos\left(A-B\right)\right)$cosAcosB=12(cos(A+B)+cos(AB)) $\left(6a\right)$(6a)
$$ $\left(7a\right)$(7a)


By re-writing  (5a), (6a) and (7a) we can obtain formulas for the sums and differences of sines and cosines. To do this, we let $U=A+B$U=A+B and $V=A-B$V=AB. Then, by solving these equations for $A$A and $B$B we get $A=\frac{U+V}{2}$A=U+V2 and $B=\frac{U-V}{2}$B=UV2

Thus, by substituting for $A$A and $B$B in the product formulas and rearranging slightly, we obtain:

$\sin U+\sin V=2\sin\frac{U+V}{2}\cos\frac{U-V}{2}$sinU+sinV=2sinU+V2cosUV2 $\left(8\right)$(8)
$\cos U+\cos V=2\cos\frac{U+V}{2}\cos\frac{U-V}{2}$cosU+cosV=2cosU+V2cosUV2 $\left(9\right)$(9)
$\cos V-\cos U=2\sin\frac{U+V}{2}\sin\frac{U-V}{2}$cosVcosU=2sinU+V2sinUV2 $\left(10\right)$(10)





and from (8), using the fact that $-\sin V=\sin\left(-V\right),$sinV=sin(V),we can write

$\sin U-\sin V=2\sin\frac{U-V}{2}\cos\frac{U+V}{2}$sinUsinV=2sinUV2cosU+V2 $\left(11\right)$(11)



Another type of sum, with a very useful simplification, occurs between different multiples of the sine and cosine of identical angles.

The expression $a\sin\theta+b\cos\theta$asinθ+bcosθ  can be written in the form $r\sin\left(\theta+\alpha\right)$rsin(θ+α). The latter expands to $r\left(\sin\theta\cos\alpha+\cos\theta\sin\alpha\right)$r(sinθcosα+cosθsinα).

On comparing this with the original expression, we see that $a=r\cos\alpha$a=rcosα and $b=r\sin\alpha$b=rsinα.

Hence, $r=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$r=a2+b2 and $\tan\alpha=\frac{b}{a}$tanα=ba. Then, using the notation $\tan^{-1}$tan1 for the inverse tangent function, we can write

$$ $\left(12\right)$(12)




Express $\cos255^\circ-\cos45^\circ$cos255°cos45° more simply.

Using (10), $\cos V-\cos U=2\sin\frac{U+V}{2}\sin\frac{U-V}{2}$cosVcosU=2sinU+V2sinUV2, we have 


That is,

$\cos255^\circ-\cos45^\circ=$cos255°cos45°= $2\sin150^\circ\sin\left(-105\right)^\circ$2sin150°sin(105)°
$=$= $-2\sin30^\circ\sin75^\circ$2sin30°sin75°
$=$= $-\sin75^\circ$sin75°

Using a half-angle formula, $$ we can further simplify this to the exact value $-\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{2+\sqrt{3}}$122+3.

Worked Examples


Express $\cos\left(3x+2y\right)\cos\left(x-y\right)$cos(3x+2y)cos(xy) as a sum or difference of two trigonometric functions.


Express $\sin\left(6x\right)+\sin\left(4x\right)$sin(6x)+sin(4x) as a product of two trigonometric functions.


By using the product-to-sum identities, rewrite $2\sin53^\circ\cos116^\circ$2sin53°cos116° as a sum or difference of two trigonometric values.



Explore the algebraic development of the compound angle formulas, and use the formulas to determine exact values of trigonometric ratios

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