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Grade 11

Graphs and Vertical translations



There are certain basic functions that you should familiarise yourself with. They have names, forms and graphs. A summary of six interesting functions is shown here:

The linear function (far left)

Look at the linear function on the far left. It has the form $y=mx+b$y=mx+b. As its name suggests, it is drawn as a straight line that intersects the $y$y - axis at $\left(0,b\right)$(0,b) and leans according to the value of the coefficient $m$m.

For example the function $f\left(x\right)=2x-1$f(x)=2x1 changes any $x$x value into a $y$y value determined as twice the $x$x value minus $1$1. So an $x$x value of $0$0 is mapped to to a $y$y value of $-1$1. This mapping from $0$0 to $-1$1 is summarised as the point $\left(0,-1\right)$(0,1).

Similarly, the $x$x value of $1$1 is in turn mapped to $1$1, the $x$x value of $2$2 is mapped to $3$3, and the $x$x value of $3$3 is mapped to $5$5, and so the graph of the function passes through the four points $\left(0,-1\right),\left(1,1\right),\left(2,3\right)$(0,1),(1,1),(2,3) and $\left(3,5\right)$(3,5), and the linearity becomes clear.

Each extra unit increase in $x$x induces an increase of two units in $y$y. Thus the slope of the line is $2$2, the coefficient of $x$x in the function's rule $f\left(x\right)=2x-1$f(x)=2x1.   

The Parabola (2nd from left)  

The second function, given as $y=x^2$y=x2, takes x values and squares them.  This function is known as a quadratic. Non-zero numbers when squared become positive, and that explains a key feature of the graph. Moreover as the absolute value of $x$x becomes large, $x^2$x2 becomes very large and that's why the curve becomes steep on both sides of the axis of symmetry. This curve, known as a parabola, plays a significant role  in many naturally occurring  phenomena. 

The cubic (3rd from left)

The cubic function $y=x^3$y=x3 grows even quicker than the parabola, but negative numbers when cubed remain negative. This explains the curve's shape. It is said to have $180^\circ$180°  rotational symmetry about the origin. 


The Exponential function (4th from left)

The exponential function $y=a^x,a>1$y=ax,a>1 has the independent variable $x$x in the exponent. So for example $y=2^x$y=2x maps the seven x values $-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3$3,2,1,0,1,2,3 to $\frac{1}{8},\frac{1}{4},\frac{1}{2},0,2,4,8$18,14,12,0,2,4,8 respectively. This is why it has the  characteristic monotonically rising shape. The function values are always positive and increase rapidly as x continues to increase.

The Rectangular Hyperbola (5th from left)

The positive function values of $y=\frac{1}{x}$y=1x are large when $x$x is small and positive, and small when $x$x is large and positive. In other words, the function takes small values and turns them into large values and vice-versa. This is why the graph looks as it does.

The same is true for negative values, and this is why the hyperbola is another function that possesses $180^\circ$180°  rotational symmetry about the origin.    

The absolute value function

This function, given as $y=\left|x\right|$y=|x| leaves positive values of the line $y=x$y=x unchanged but changes the negative values of the same line to positive values. Negative values are thus reflected in the $x$x-axis, and this is why the function exhibits its angular shape.

Simple translations of the 6 graphs

Any of the above graphs can be moved up or down $k$k units by simply adding $k$k to the function. For example the graph of the function $y=x^2+3$y=x2+3 is essentially the same as $y=x^2$y=x2 but moved up (translated vertically) $3$3 units. The same idea applies to any of the six basic graphs.

Any of the graphs can be moved sideways $h$h units by simply replacing $x$x with $\left(x-h\right)$(xh). So for example the cubic graph $y=\left(x-3\right)^3$y=(x3)3 is essentially the same as $y=x^3$y=x3 but moved to the right (translated horizontally to the right) by $3$3 units. Again, The same idea applies to any of the six basic graphs.

As an interesting example let's graph the two functions $y=\frac{1}{x-3}+2$y=1x3+2 and $y=\left(x-1\right)^2$y=(x1)2 on the same axes and see where they intersect.

The first function represents a rectangular hyperbola shifted $3$3 units to the right, and then lifted $2$2 units vertically upward. The second function represents a parabola shifted $1$1 unit to the right. 

The two graphs are shown here, intersecting in three places: 

Finding the intersections (extension only)

From the graph the two functions intersect at approximately $\left(-0.3,1.7\right),\left(2,1\right)$(0.3,1.7),(2,1) and $\left(3.3,5.3\right)$(3.3,5.3). However, to find the exact intersections requires much more mathematics. If you are interested, you can try to follow the logic in the next paragraph. 

We equate the two functions so that $\left(x-1\right)^2=\frac{1}{x-3}+2$(x1)2=1x3+2 and try to solve for $x$x. This leads us to the cubic equation $x^3-5x^2+5x+2=0$x35x2+5x+2=0. From the graph, or by testing directly into the cubic equation, we can see that $x=2$x=2 is a solution.

A neat piece of mathematics involves rearranging the cubic to $x^3-2x^2-3x^2+6x-x+2=0$x32x23x2+6xx+2=0. Check this!

Thus, by factoring in pairs we have $x^2\left(x-2\right)-3x\left(x-2\right)-\left(x-2\right)=0$x2(x2)3x(x2)(x2)=0, or when the common factor is taken out, $\left(x-2\right)\left(x^2-3x-1\right)=0$(x2)(x23x1)=0

We now can solve the quadratic equation $x^2-3x-1=0$x23x1=0 using the quadratic formula $x=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}$x=b±b24ac2a.

The other two $x$x values are thus given by $x=\frac{3\pm\sqrt{13}}{2}$x=3±132. Our estimate of $3.3$3.3 and $-0.3$0.3 turn out to be very close. The $y$y values can be found by substituting these values into either equation.  


Worked Examples

Question 1

Graph the line whose slope is $1$1 and passes through the point $\left(2,6\right)$(2,6).

  1. Loading Graph...

Question 2

Consider the parabola $y=x^2+2$y=x2+2.

  1. Plot the graph.

    Loading Graph...

  2. What is the turning point of the parabola?

Question 3

Consider the equation $y=x^3-3$y=x33.

  1. Complete the set of solutions for the given equation.

    $A$A$($($-3$3, $\editable{}$$)$), $B$B$($($-2$2, $\editable{}$$)$), $C$C$($($-1$1, $\editable{}$$)$), $D$D$($($0$0, $\editable{}$$)$), $E$E$($($1$1, $\editable{}$$)$), $F$F$($($2$2, $\editable{}$$)$), $G$G$($($3$3, $\editable{}$$)$)

  2. Plot the points $C$C, $D$D and $E$E on the coordinate axes.

    Loading Graph...

  3. Plot the curve that results from the entire set of solutions for the equation being graphed.

    Loading Graph...





Determine, through investigation using technology, the roles of the parameters a, k, d, and c in functions of the form y = a f (k(x – d)) + c, and describe these roles in terms of transformations on the graphs of f(x) = x, f(x) = x^2 , f(x) = sqrt(x) and f(x) = 1/x

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