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Create and continue decimal patterns (mult)


Number patterns

With any number pattern, we apply the rule to the first number, to work out the next number. We've seen how to continue number patterns with decimals, including tenths and hundredths, using addition and subtraction. All we need to do differently now is multiply at each step, rather than add or subtract.

Multiplying decimals

The good news is, we have already worked out how to multiply decimals by single digit numbers, so we can do the same thing, to work out the next number in our pattern. What could possibly go wrong?

Watch the first video to see where I trip up though! 

You may want to use a place value table to help with multiplying, to make sure your digits are in the right place columns.

Let's work through this in the video, and you might think of other ways to keep your digits in the correct places.Then we'll work through our first two questions.

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Worked Examples


Complete the pattern by multiplying by $2$2 each time.

  1. $0.02$0.02 $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$



A number pattern is created by starting with the number $0.4$0.4 and multiplying by $9$9 each time.

Fill in the gaps to complete the number pattern.

  1. $\editable{}$ $3.6$3.6 $32.4$32.4 $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$


Identifying the pattern

What happens if you have the numbers, and have to work out the pattern yourself? Let's see how we can solve this with this short video, followed by a question that relies on us identifying the pattern.

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Worked example

Question 3

A number pattern is created by using multiplication. Here are some of the numbers in the pattern:

$0.01$0.01 $0.05$0.05 $0.25$0.25 $\editable{}$ $6.25$6.25 $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$
  1. What is the multiplier that is creating the pattern?

  2. Fill in the gaps to complete the pattern.

    $0.01$0.01 $0.05$0.05 $0.25$0.25 $\editable{}$ $6.25$6.25 $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$



The place the digits are in is very important, since it changes the value of the number if we get it wrong.

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