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KeyStage 2 Upper

Create and interpret line graphs (whole number axis)


 Line graphs are a great way to see how things change over time. In this video, we learn how to read a line graph, as well as how to make one.

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When creating a line graph, make sure it has:

  • a title,
  • labelled axes with even scales marked with ticks and
  • data points connected by lines.


Worked Examples

Question 1

The line graph shows the average amount of likes a post will get on social media depending on when it was posted.

Average Number of LikesTimeLikes51015202530354045509am10am11am12pm1pm2pm3pm4pm

  1. There are three main peak times to post on social media. When are these three peaks?

    Select the times from the following options.








  2. How many more likes will an average post at $3$3pm receive compared to an average post at $11$11am?

Question 2

The line graph shows the number of ice creams sold at certain times of the day.

Ice Cream SalesTimeNumber of Ice Creams Sold5101520253010am11am12pm1pm2pm3pm4pm5pm6pm

  1. At what time of day were the least amount of ice creams sold?








  2. What were the most amount of ice creams sold at a particular time?

  3. There are two peak hours for ice cream sales, at lunch time ($1$1pm) and in the evening ($6$6pm).

    What was the difference in sales between the lunch time peak and the evening peak?

Question 3

The line graph shows Quentin's height between the ages of $5$5 and $15$15.

AgeHeight (cm)11012013014015016017018056789101112131415

  1. How much did Quentin grow by between the ages of $5$5 and $15$15?

  2. Between which ages did Quentin have the greatest growth spurt?

    $8$8 and $10$10


    $12$12 and $14$14


    $14$14 and $15$15


    $10$10 and $12$12


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