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KeyStage 2 Upper

Numbers, words and symbols (90000 to 900000)


In this video we look at writing numbers in numerals from words, writing numbers in expanded notation and also comparing numbers using the inequality symbols for greater than and less than. Having a strong sense of place value is important to be confident with all of these skills.

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Worked Examples

question 1

Write the basic numerals for the following:

(Do not use comma separators).

  1. three million, two hundred and ninety thousand, seven hundred and eleven

  2. thirty seven million, eighty eight thousand and five

question 2

Write the basic numerals for the following:

(Do not use comma separators).

  1. three million, two hundred and ninety thousand, seven hundred and eleven

  2. thirty seven million, eighty eight thousand and five

question 3

Write the following as a single number:


Note: Do not use comma separators

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