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A trip to the pool (Investigation)


Oh no! It’s a really hot day and your entire town is trying to fit in the community pool. Will everyone be able to cool off?




  • To practice using area and volume.
  • To use math to think creatively in real world situations.


The dimensions of the community pool are given below:

  1. Assume the water level in the pool is 2 feet below the rim of the pool. Determine how many people can fit into the pool before it overflows. How did you arrive at your answer? Why did you choose this method?
  2. How many people do you think will be able to swim comfortably in the pool? How did you arrive at your answer? Why did you choose this method?

Discussion Questions                                              

  1. Did you use estimation in any way? How do you think this affects your answer?
  2. Based on your calculations, will most of the town be able to cool off? Why or why not?
  3. Compare with a friend! Did someone else get a different number for how many people can fit into the pool before the water overflows? Why is their number different than yours? Who’s do you think is more reasonable and why? 
  4. Compare with a friend! Did someone else get a different number for how many people can swim comfortably in the pool? Why is their number different than yours? Who’s do you think is more reasonable and why?




Find the perimeters and areas of circles and composite shapes and the volumes of prisms, including cylinders

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