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Complete multiplication statements to make a target number


The value of our number

When we make a number with decimals, it's important to think about the value of our digits. We know that 30 means 3 tens, and the 0 means 0 units. But what about 0.3? That is 3 tenths, a number less than one. If we multiply something by a number less than $1$1, our answer is going to be smaller than the number we started with. This is different to multiplying whole numbers to create a new number, where the answer ends up larger.

In the first video, we think about what number we need to multiply $4$4 by, to get $2$2 as our answer.  The answer is smaller, so we need to multiply $4$4 by a number smaller than $1$1.  We also look at how to rule out possible answers, by considering those that cannot be correct, and why!

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In the second video, we look at possible answers when we multiply two decimals together when they are both less than 1.  Instead of only solving a number problem mathematically, we look at the value of the digits and thinking about which numbers are bigger.

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Often, we can rule out incorrect answers, making the job of choosing the correct answer much easier. 

Worked Examples

Question 1

Let’s play a game called target number. Here’s how it works: I give you a target number and starting number and you tell me what I need to get there.

For example, our target number is $0.4$0.4, and if I tell you the number $0.2$0.2 you would say $2$2, because $0.2\times2=0.4$0.2×2=0.4.

Find the missing number below if $0.3$0.3 is our target number.

  1. $0.1\times\editable{}=0.3$0.1×=0.3

Question 2

Which of the options below make $6.8$6.8? There might be more than one right answer, so select all the correct options.

  1. $2\times3.4$2×3.4








Question 3

Let’s play a game called target number. Here’s how it works: I give you a target number and starting number and you tell me what I need to get there.

For example, our target number is $0.616$0.616, and if I tell you the number $4$4 you would say $0.154$0.154, because $0.154\times4=0.616$0.154×4=0.616.

Find the missing number below if $0.954$0.954 is our target number.

  1. $\editable{}\times3=0.954$×3=0.954



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