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Number lines and decimals (tenths/hundredths)


Number lines

Number lines work the same way, whether we are using decimals or not, with numbers increasing as we move to the right. Getting the hang of a number line with whole numbers is a great way to see how they work. You can also look at number lines using fractions, since fractions are just a different way to express decimals. 


Working with tenths

When we divide $1$1 unit into 10 equal pieces, it is broken into $10$10 tenths, as shown below. 

Plotting tenths

When we work with decimals, remembering that $0.1$0.1 is $\frac{1}{10}$110 is really helpful. Have a look at how we can plot decimals in tenths in this video.

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Working out numbers with tenths

Next, can you work out what these numbers on a number line are? Instead of plotting decimals, we have to work out what has been plotted for us.

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$10$10 tenths make $1$1 unit.


Working with hundredths

When we work with hundredths, the process is the same but the end points on our number line are different. $1$1 tenth is broken into $10$10 hundredths, so we are zooming in on smaller numbers.


Plotting hundredths

Let's plot some hundredths together in this video. 

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Can you work out what these decimals are? You'll also how to work out which number is furthest to the right on a number line, as well as a special twist for those keen to plot some tricky numbers.

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$10$10 hundredths make $1$1 tenth.

The larger the number, the further to the right it will be on a number line.


Worked Examples

Question 1

Plot the point $0.3$0.3 on the number line.

  1. 01

Question 2

What number is shown on the following number line?


Question 3

Plot $0.25$0.25 on the number line.

  1. 00.511.52



Know the relative size and place value structure of positive and negative integers and decimals to three places.

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