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Find factor pairs (below 100)


In the statement $3\times5=15$3×5=15 we have a product (which is the answer of $15$15), and a factor pair of $3$3 and $5$5. The numbers that multiply together to give us the product are factors, when we have 2 of them that multiply to give us a product they are a factor pair.  There is another factor pair for 15.  Can you find it? 

Sometimes there is more than one factor pair.  For example, the number 12. Could be written as 




So $12$12 has $3$3 factor pairs.  2 and 6, 1 and 12, 3 and 4.


Every number will have at least one factor pair.  Prime numbers have only one factor pair, of $1$1 and itself. For example $7$7.  It's only factor pair is $1$1 and $7$7.  

Example 1 - Using a multiplication table

Let's find the factor pairs for the number $6$6.

$\times$× $1$1 $2$2 $3$3 $4$4 $5$5 $6$6
$1$1 $1$1 $2$2 $3$3 $4$4 $5$5 $6$6
$2$2 $2$2 $4$4 $6$6 $8$8 $10$10 $12$12
$3$3 $3$3 $6$6 $9$9 $12$12 $15$15 $18$18
$4$4 $4$4 $8$8 $12$12 $16$16 $20$20 $24$24
$5$5 $5$5 $10$10 $15$15 $20$20 $25$25 $30$30
$6$6 $6$6 $12$12 $18$18 $24$24 $30$30 $36$36

Using the table we can find all the numbers that multiply to give $6$6. We will only count factor pairs once, so, $1\times6$1×6is the same as $6\times1$6×1. So $1$1 and $6$6 are one set of factors for the number $6$6

Using the table, what are the other factor pairs of $6$6

Using the table we can look for all the numbers that multiply together to give $6$6.

The factor pairs of 6 are:

  • 1 and 6, &
  • 2 and 3. 


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Question 1

$59$59 is a prime number.

  1. Which of the following options is a factor pair of $59$59?

    $56$56 and $3$3


    $1$1 and $59$59


Question 2

If we multiply $4$4 by $14$14, we get $56$56, so $4$4 and $14$14 make a factor pair of $56$56.

  1. Which of the following options is also a factor pair of $56$56?

    $14$14 and $2$2


    $4$4 and $7$7


    $8$8 and $7$7


    $2$2 and $2$2


Question 3

Complete the table below, listing all factor pairs of the number $15$15.

  1. Factor pairs of $15$15
  2. Is $15$15 prime or composite?

    $15$15 is a composite number.


    $15$15 is a prime number.




Use a range of multiplicative strategies when operating on whole numbers

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