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Mixed numbers (name, identify and compare)


You may have already learned about representing fractions.

Now watch this video to understand fractions in words and symbols.

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When working with mixed numbers, it is important to understand the whole number and the fraction part.

The denominator tells us how many parts makes each whole number.

The numerator tells us how many of the parts are in this fraction.

Now watch this video to compare mixed numbers and improper fractions.

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Did you notice that there are special symbols we can use to compare fractions?

  • $<$< means "is less than"
  • $>$> means "is greater than"
  • $=$= means "is equal to"



The denominator tells us how many parts to divide each whole into.

The numerator tells us how many parts in the fraction.

Improper fractions and mixed numbers are greater than or equal to one.



Know simple fractions in everyday use

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