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Construct numbers (to 1000)


We can make numbers using icy pole sticks and other objects, to help us see the value of our numbers.  You could even use your own objects!  Maybe a sharpener could be worth 1, a pencil 10, and a pencil case 100.  

To build numbers, you'd need a few of those objects, so using things like icy pole sticks, unifix (coloured blocks) and MAB (base-ten blocks) can help us.

In this first video, we are going to use icy pole sticks to make some numbers. 

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In our second video, you'll meet the base-ten blocks (MAB), if you haven't met them already. They are really useful, and you can draw these on your page to create your own numbers, if you don't have blocks handy.

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We can make groups of 10 ones, and use that 'bundle' to show 10.

We can also make groups of 10 tens, and have a bigger 'bundle', which shows us 100.

Did you know?

We can also make a group of 10 hundreds to make 1000!


Worked examples

Question 1

For the following questions use the digits $7$7 and $5$5.

  1. Make the smallest number possible.

  2. Make the second smallest number possible.

Question 2

For the following questions use the digits $5$5, $6$6 and $9$9.

  1. Make the largest number possible that is less than $1000$1000.

  2. Make the second largest number possible that is less than $1000$1000.

Question 3

Let's look at the number $394$394.

  1. How many tens are in the number $394$394?

  2. How many hundreds are in the number $394$394?



Know forward and backward counting sequences with whole numbers to at least 1000.


Know how many ones, tens, and hundreds are in whole numbers to at least 1000.


Generalise that whole numbers can be partitioned in many ways

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