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Hong Kong
Stage 2

Construct Numbers up to millions


We are going to extend what we saw when we looked at how to build numbers in Building up to 90000 and keep going all the way to millions!  

When we build numbers, the value of the number depends on which position it is in.  You can use place value tables and number expanders to help build numbers.   Don't forget to watch out in this video for how we treat zero (0), as zero can upset the apple cart if we are not paying attention!

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The value of the number is larger as we move along the place value table, from left to right.  

Zero is an important place holder, so needs to be included in our number when there are no other digits to put in that place value position. 

Worked Examples

Question 1

For the following questions use the digits $3$3, $6$6, $6$6, $4$4, $1$1 and $7$7.

  1. Make the largest number possible.

  2. Make the second largest number possible.

Question 2

For the following questions use the digits $1$1, $6$6, $7$7, $1$1, $5$5 and $1$1.

  1. Make the smallest number possible.

  2. Make the second smallest number possible.

Question 3

Answer the following questions.

  1. Write the number that is made up of $10$10 ten thousands, $10$10 hundreds and $3$3 tens.

  2. Write the number that is made up of $6$6 hundred thousands, $10$10 tens and $2$2 ones.


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