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Hong Kong
Stage 2

Round numbers to 10's or 100's


Round to the nearest $10$10

To round a number to the nearest $10$10 means to find the $10$10's place value that a number is closest to.

Watch the video below to see some examples of rounding to the nearest $10$10.  Can you spot a number that is close to two different $10$10's values?  What should you do?

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Rounding to the Nearest $10$10

• Find which $10$10 a number is closest to ( a $10$10 is a number like $10$10,$20$20,$30$30,$40$40, … $310$310, $320$320, $330$330, $1530$1530, … and so on)

•If a number is exactly in the middle, round to the higher number.

Round to the nearest $100$100

To round a number to the nearest 100 is similar to rounding to the nearest $10$10.  When rounding to the nearest $100$100, find the $100$100's place value that a number is closest to.  

Watch some examples and do some practice in the video below.  Stay until the end for an extra challenge!

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Did you see how similar the rules are for rounding to the nearest $100$100?  Read the rules below and compare them to the rules for rounding to the nearest $10$10.

Rounding to the Nearest $100$100

• Find which $100$100 a number is closest to ( a $100$100 is a number like $100$100, $200$200, $300$300, $400$400, … $3100$3100, $3200$3200, $3300$3300, and so on)

•If a number is exactly in the middle, round to the higher number.


Practice questions

Question 1

Round $54$54 to the nearest ten.

Question 2

Round $370$370 to the nearest hundred.

Question 3

Three numbers have been rounded as follows:

$3600$3600 rounds to $3600$3600, $3470$3470 rounds to $3470$3470, and $2887$2887 rounds to $2890$2890.

  1. What have the numbers been rounded to?

    The nearest hundred


    The nearest ten


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