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2.01 Represent algebraic expressions

Translate algebraic expressions

We use algebraic expressions when we want to write a number sentence but don't know all the numbers involved.

For example: What is the total weight of a cat and a dog?

In this case, let's use c for the weight of the cat and d for the weight of the dog.

A cat and dog are on a set of scales. At the bottom it says total weight equals cat plus dog which equals c plus d.

c + d is called an algebraic expression.

c and d are called variables. They are used in the place of a numeric value.

Coefficients are used to show how many variables we have. The variable u with a coefficient of 3 is written as 3u which means 3 \cdot u.

\displaystyle 3u=3 \cdot u
the coefficient
the variable

Terms are the building blocks of an expression. They are either a single number or variable or numbers and variables multiplied together. Terms are separated by + or - signs.

Consider the expression: {4x-3y} + \frac{2z}{5} + k + 7

  • This is an expression with 5 terms.

  • The term 4x has a coefficient of 4.

  • The term -3y has a coefficient of -3. The negative belongs with the coefficient.

  • The term \dfrac{2z}{5} has a coefficient of \dfrac{2}{5} as \dfrac{2z}{5} = \dfrac{2}{5} \cdot z.

  • k is equal to 1 \cdot k which is also equal to 1k, so it has a coefficient of 1.

  • The term 7 has no variable. It is called a constant term.


In order to write an expression that can be used to model the total cost of buying new school supplies, Mr. Okware defines the variables:

Let x represent the cost of a folder, y represent the cost of a calculator, and z represent the cost of a pencil pack.

  1. What could these expressions represent in this context?

    • x+y
    • x+y+z
    • 5y
    • 2x+10z
    • x+3y+4z
    • 4\left(4x + y + 2z\right)
  2. In this context, what do the coefficients describe?

  3. What expressions could we write that wouldn't make sense in this context?

Expressions and parts of expressions, like factors and coefficients, all have unique meanings in a given context. Viewing expressions in parts and as a whole while paying attention to the quantities represented by the variables can explain the relationships described by the expressions.


Example 1

For the algebraic expression 5x+7y-12x+21:


Determine the number of terms.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Terms are separated by plus or minus signs in the expression.

Apply the idea

The algebraic expression 5x+7y-12x+21 contains four terms: 5x, \,7y,\, -12x , and 21.


Identify the coefficient of the first term.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

The coefficient of a term is the number that is multiplied by the variable in the term.

Apply the idea

The first term is 5x, so the coefficient of the first term is 5.


Identify the constant term.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

The constant term in an algebraic expression is the term that does not contain any variable.

Apply the idea

In the expression 5x+7y-12x+21, the constant term is 21.


Determine if the expression contains like terms.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Like terms in an expression are terms that contain the same variable raised to the same power.

Apply the idea

The expression 5x+7y-12x+21 contains like terms, 5x and 12x, since they both contain the variable x raised to the first power.

Example 2

A courier service charges a fixed fee of \$30 plus \$0.75 per kilogram for delivering packages. Write an algebraic expression for the total delivery cost of a package weighing m kilograms.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

The total cost includes a fixed fee and a variable fee based on the weight of the package.

Apply the idea

For a package weighing m kilograms, the total delivery cost can be represented by the algebraic expression 30 + 0.75m. This expression combines the fixed fee of \$30 with the variable fee of \$0.75 per kilogram.

Example 3

Write an algebraic expression for the phrase "eight more than the quotient of 9 and x".

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Translate the terms into mathematical symbols and operations.

Apply the idea

The phrase "eight more than" indicates that we need to add 8.

The "quotient of 9 and x" indicates division, which we can write as a fraction, with 9 as the numerator and x as the denominator.

We can combine the whole description into a single expression:\frac{9}{x}+8

Example 4

The perimeter of a rectangle can be expressed by 2 \left(l+w \right). Explain what each of the factors represents.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

First, we need to identify each of the factors. One factor is 2 and the other is \left( l+w \right).

We know that the perimeter of an object is the distance around the outside edges. A rectangle has 4 sides, but 2 are called lengths and 2 are called widths.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle \text{Perimeter}\displaystyle =\displaystyle l+w+l+w

We can see from the perimeter formula that there are 2 groups of l+w.

This shows that the factor l+w represents adding the length and width, and the 2 means we added the length and width twice.

Reflect and check

Another way to represent the perimeter of a rectangle is 2l+2w.

Idea summary

Expressions can be used to represent mathematical relationships. In an expression, sums often represent totals and coefficients and factors represent multiplication. When interpreting an expression in context, we can use the units to help understand the meaning.

Represent algebraic expressions

We can use algebra tiles to help us visualize algebraic expressions.

The tile x represents an unknown number. The tile +1 represents adding one unit and -1 represents subtracting one unit.

A table categorizing tiles into 'Positive' and 'Negative' groups, across two rows labeled 'Variable tiles' and 'Unit tiles'. Ask your teacher for more information.

This table demonstrates how expressions can be built using the tiles:

A table with three columns: 'Word Expression,' 'Algebraic Expression,' and 'Representative with Algebra Tiles.' Ask your teacher for more information.

We can use visual models to rearrange expressions into equivalent expressions. We can see how each of the following equivalent expressions is represented with the algebra tiles.

Six positive x tiles and six positive 1 tiles.
This model is one group of 6x+6
Two group of three positive x tiles and three positive 1 tiles.
This model is two groups of 3x+3
Two positive x tiles and a positive 1. Four positive x tiles and 5 positive 1 tiles.
This model is arranged into 2x+1 and 4x+5
A negative x tile and three positive 1 tiles. Seven positive x tiles and three positive 1 tiles.
This model is arranged into -x+3 and 7x+3

All of these expressions are equivalent to 6x+6. Different grouping variations of equivalent expressions can help us understand them better in different mathematical situations.


Example 5

Write an equivalent algebraic expression for the following:

The image shows algebra tiles of 2 positive x and 5 positive 1.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy
Count the number of positive x tiles. Then count the number of positive 1 tiles.

There are many ways to write expressions that are algebraically equivalent by rearranging the terms and combining like terms, but for simplicity, we'll directly reflect the layout shown by the tiles.

Apply the idea

From the image, we observe two x tiles and five unit tiles. To express this algebraically we can write:

x + x + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

Another way to write the expression is:2x + 5

Example 6

Represent the expression -3x-5+8 using algebra tiles.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

We can use a negative variable tile and positive and negative unit tiles to represent the given expression.

Apply the idea
Three negative x tiles, five negative 1 tiles, and eight positive 1 tiles.
Reflect and check

We could also use pictorial models to represent the expression.

A pictorial model of 3 boxes and five strawberries grayed-out. Then eight colored strawberries.

The box represents the variable, and the strawberries represent the units. The 3 boxes and 5 strawberries are grayed-out to show they have been removed or "subtracted".

Idea summary

We can represent algebraic expressions with visual models to better understand them.

We can rearrange models of algebraic expressions to generate equivalent expressions.



The student will represent, simplify, and generate equivalent algebraic expressions in one variable.


Represent algebraic expressions using concrete manipulatives or pictorial representations (e.g., colored chips, algebra tiles), including expressions that apply the distributive property.


Simplify and generate equivalent algebraic expressions in one variable by applying the order of operations and properties of real numbers. Expressions may need to be expanded (using the distributive property) or require combining like terms to simplify. Expressions will include only linear and numeric terms. Coefficients and numeric terms may be rational.

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