We have previously compared and ordered fractions, decimals, and percents. We have also compared and ordered integers. All of those are types of rational numbers, and they can all be represented on the same number line.
As we move to the right on the number line the numbers get larger.
As we move to the left on the number line the numbers get smaller.
For example, -3.12, is to the left of - \dfrac{3}{2}, so -3.12 is smaller than - \dfrac{3}{2}.
We can write this statement as the following inequalities:
\displaystyle -3.12 | \displaystyle < | \displaystyle - \dfrac32 | because -3.12 is further to the left on the number line |
\displaystyle - \dfrac{3}{2} | \displaystyle > | \displaystyle -3.12 | because - \dfrac{3}{2} is further to the right on the number line |
Sometimes, it's easiest to compare rational numbers if they are written in the same form. For example, by converting decimal values to fractions or fractions to decimals.
For -3.12 and - \dfrac{3}{2} we can write - \dfrac{3}{2} as the decimal -1.5 to more easily see that -1.5 is closer to 0 on the negative side of the number line, so it must be larger than -3.12.
This also shows how we can use benchmarks, or commonly known values, to approximate the size of a number. The most commonly used benchmarks are 0, \dfrac{1}{2}, and 1 . Some other common benchmarks are:
Integer | Fraction | Decimal | Percent |
0 | \dfrac{0}{1} | 0 | 0\% |
\text{N/A} | \dfrac{1}{10} | 0.1 | 10\% |
\text{N/A} | \dfrac{1}{4} | 0.25 | 25\% |
\text{N/A} | \dfrac{1}{3} | 0.33 | 33.33\% |
\text{N/A} | \dfrac{1}{2} | 0.5 | 50\% |
\text{N/A} | \dfrac{2}{3} | 0.67 | 66.67\% |
\text{N/A} | \dfrac{3}{4} | 0.75 | 75\% |
1 | \dfrac{1}{1} | 1.0 | 100\% |
We can also use multiples of those benchmarks to create other benchmarks to get closer to the numbers we're using. For example: 6 \cdot \dfrac{1}{10}=\dfrac{6}{10}=0.6=60 \%.
Knowing the relative size of numbers also allows us to order them in ascending order (least to greatest) or descending order (greatest to least).
A number line automatically puts numbers in ascending order.
Which is the largest rational number marked on the number line?
Consider the values 1.25 and 0.75.
Plot the pair of numbers on a number line.
State the inequality sign that makes the statement true.
1.25 \,⬚\, 0.75
Consider the statement:
\dfrac{67}{50} \,>\, 154\%
Convert \dfrac{67}{50} to a percentage.
Is the statement true or false?
Write the numbers in ascending order: 71\%,\, \dfrac{4}{6},\, \, 0.7,\, 0.99
The symbol \lt represents the phrase "is less than".
The symbol \gt represents the phrase "is greater than".
The symbol = represents the phrase "is equal to".
Descending rational numbers get smaller as we move to the left on the number line.
Ascending rational numbers get larger as we move to the right on the number line.