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4.01 Add and subtract integers

Add integers

We know that integers can be either positive, negative, or 0 (which is neither positive or negative). This is indicated by the sign on an integer. Integers with + (or no sign at all) are positive. Integers with - are negative.

The sign of an integer gives it a direction. We can imagine that for every integer on the number line there is an arrow going from 0 to that integer.

For a number line with the positive direction to the right, the positive integers have arrows that point to the right, and the negative integers have arrows that point to the left.


Drag the points to create different numbers and notice their sums.

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  1. What direction represents adding a positive integer?

  2. What direction represents adding a negative integer?

  3. What are the ways you can create a sum that is positive?

  4. What are the ways you can create a sum that is negative?

  5. What are the ways you can create a sum that is 0?

  6. What happens when 0 is one of the numbers being added?

The addition of integers can be represented by adding their arrows on the number line. When we combine the lengths and directions of two arrows, we get a third arrow whose length and direction corresponds to the sum. This is because, adding two (or more) integers always results in another integer.

The image shows how 6 + 2 = 8 is represented using the addition of arrows on the number line. Can you see how the order of addition does not affect the result?

A number line with a blue arrow from 0 to 6, a green arrow from 6 to 8, and a red arrow from 0 from 8.

What if we want to add a negative integer? We use the same approach, the only difference being that the arrows are pointing in different directions. The image shows that 4 + \left(-9\right) = -5, which is the same result that we get from \left(-9\right) + 4.

A number line with a blue arrow from 0 to 4, a green arrow from 4 to negative 5, and a red arrow from 0 to negative 5.

To think of this process more simply, we can plot the first integer on the number line and move the direction and number of spaces indicated by the second integer.

When we add a positive number we move to the right.


Number line where a point at negative 1 moved to 3.

When we add a negative number we move to the left.


Number line where a point at 4 moved to 1.


Example 1

Find the value of -7 + 13.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Draw a model with arrows using a number line.

Apply the idea

We start by drawing an arrow for -7 in the number line.

A number line with a blue arrow from 0 to -7.

Adding a positive integer means we move to the right. So, to draw the arrow that represents adding 13, we need to count 13 units to the right starting at -7.

A number line with a blue arrow from 0 to -7, and a green arrow from -7 to 6.

Finally, we draw a third arrow which starts at 0 and ends at the tip of the second arrow. This third arrow represents the sum of -7 and 13 which is 6.

A number line with a blue arrow from 0 to -7, a green arrow from -7 to 6, and a red arrow from 0 to 6.
\displaystyle -7 + 13 \displaystyle =\displaystyle 6Evaluate
Reflect and check

What if we start by drawing first the arrow that represents 13 then the arrow that represents adding -7?

A number line with a blue arrow from 0 to 13, and a green arrow from 13 to 6.

Notice that when we draw the third arrow that represents the sum, we get the same answer.

A number line with a blue arrow from 0 to 13, a green arrow from 13 to 6, and a red arrow from 0 to 6.

This shows that -7 + 13 is the same as 13 + \left( -7 \right). The order of drawing the arrows does not affect the sum.

Example 2

Find the value of 11 + \left(-6\right).

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Adding a negative integer means we will move to the left on the number line.

Apply the idea

Plot 11 on the number line:


From 11 we want to move 6 units to the left.

\displaystyle 11 + \left(-6\right)\displaystyle =\displaystyle 5Evaluate
Reflect and check

We can combine the adjacent signs by writing:

\displaystyle 11 + \left(-6\right) \displaystyle =\displaystyle 11 - 6Adding a negative 6 is the same as subtracting 6
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 5Subtract

Example 3

Find the value of- 12 + \left(-8\right).

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Adding a negative integer means we move to the left on the number line.

Apply the idea

Plot -12 on a number line:


From -12, move 8 units to the left.

\displaystyle - 12 + \left(-8\right)\displaystyle =\displaystyle -20
Reflect and check
\displaystyle - 12 + \left(-8\right)\displaystyle =\displaystyle - 12 - 8Adding a negative is the same as subtracting a positive
Idea summary

When finding the sum of two integers, we can use a number line.

The sum of:

  • two positive integers is another positive integer

  • a positive integer and a negative integer may be positive or negative

  • two negative integers is another negative integer

  • an integer and its opposite is 0

Subtract integers

We have looked at how to model addition with number lines. Now we will explore integer chips. Integer chips are another way to model integers and use the fact that the sum of two opposite integers is 0.


Let's explore how to use integer chips to add and subtract integers.

Set up the following expressions using the sliders and drop down, then click "Start" to begin the animation, when you have read the text click "Next" to see the next action.

  1. 4+2

  2. 5+\left(-3\right)

  3. 5-3

  4. 2-4

  5. -1-3

  6. -3-\left(-2\right)

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  1. Which problems were the simplest?

  2. Why did we have to add zero pairs for some problems and not others?

  3. If we are subtracting two negative numbers, how do the integer chips work?

  4. If we are subtracting one negative and one positive integer, how do the integer chips work?

Now that we've explored subtraction with integer chips, let's explore subtraction on a number line. When we added integers on a number line we went in the direction indicated by the sign of the number. But the subtraction operation tells us to reverse the direction of the integer that follows.

When we subtract a positive number we move to the left, because we're reversing the direction indicated by positive 4.


Number line where a point at negative 2 moved to negative 6.

When we subtract a negative number we move to the right, because we're reversing the direction indicated by -3.


Number line where a point at 4 moved to 7.

Let's look at 3 - 5. We can see from the number line that this is actually the same as 3 + \left(-5\right). In other words, subtracting 5 is the same as adding the opposite of 5.

A number line with green arrows from 0 to 5,  0 to negative 5, 3 to -2, a blue arrow from 0 to 3 and a red arrow from 0 to -2

Let's look at 7-\left(-2\right). Starting at 7, we move to the right 2 because we're reversing the direction of -2. From the number line we can see this gives us the same result as adding 7+2.

A number line with green, blue and red arrows. Ask your teacher for more information.


Example 4

Find the value of 8 - 7.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Subtracting a negative integer means we will move to the left on the number line.

Apply the idea

Plot 8 on a number line:


From 8, move 7 units to the left.

\displaystyle 8 -7\displaystyle =\displaystyle 1

Example 5

Find the value of 3 - (-9).

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Subtracting a negative integer is the same as adding its opposite.

Apply the idea

We are starting at 3 and we want to subtract -9 from this.

\displaystyle 3 - \left(-9\right)\displaystyle =\displaystyle 3 + 9Add its opposite

We start by drawing an arrow to represent 3 and another arrow to representing adding 9 in the number line. Then, we draw a third arrow that represents the sum which is 12.

A number line with a blue arrow from 0 to 3, a green arrow from 3 to 12, and a red arrow from 0 from 12.
\displaystyle 3 - \left(-9\right)\displaystyle =\displaystyle 12Evaluate

Example 6

The image shows how the location of a miner traveling up and down a mine shaft relates to an integer on the number line:

An image showing the miner's location is on the right, and an integer on the number line is on the left.

If Nadia is initially 2\text{ m} above the surface, and descends 6\text{ m} in the elevator, what integer represents her end point?

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

The height of 2\text{ m} above the surface is represented by the integer 2 on the number line. Descending 6\text{ m} means we move in the negative direction on the number line by 6 units.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle \text{Location}\displaystyle =\displaystyle 2 - 6Set up the equation
\displaystyle \text{}\displaystyle =\displaystyle -4Evaluate

Nadia ends up below the surface, so the integer representing the end point is -4.


If Nadia is at a location represented by the integer -4, and ascends 3\text{ m}, which option describes her new location?

7\text{ m} below the surface
1\text{ m} below the surface
3\text{ m} above the surface
7\text{ m} above the surface
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Ascending 3\text{ m} in the elevator corresponds to moving in the positive direction on the number line by 3 units.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle \text{Location}\displaystyle =\displaystyle -4 + 3Set up the equation
\displaystyle \text{ }\displaystyle =\displaystyle -1Evaluate

Nadia's new location is 1\text{ m} below the surface. So, the correct answer is B.

Idea summary

When finding the difference of two integers, we can use a number line. When subtracting integers, the - operation reverses the direction of the integer that follows.

The difference between:

  • two positive integers may be positive or negative

  • two negative integers may be positive or negative

  • a positive integer minus a negative integer is a positive integer

  • a negative integer minus a positive integer is a negative integer

  • an integer and itself is 0



The student will estimate, demonstrate, solve, and justify solutions to problems using operations with integers, including those in context.


Demonstrate/model addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers using pictorial representations or concrete manipulatives.*


Add, subtract, multiply, and divide two integers.*


Estimate, determine, and justify the solution to one and two-step contextual problems, involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with integers.

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