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5.02 Equivalent ratios and ratio tables

Equivalent ratios

Consider a cake recipe that uses 1 cup of milk and 4 cups of flour. What is the ratio of milk to flour used in the cake?

We can express the information given as the ratio 1:4.

What if we want to make two cakes? We will need 2 cups of milk and 8 cups of flour which is double the amount that we used. Now the ratio of milk to flour is 2:8.

We say that 1:4 and 2:8 are equivalent ratios.

Equivalent ratios are useful for when we want to change the value of one quantity but also keep it in the same proportion to another quantity. After calculating how much the value of the first quantity has increased, we can increase the value of the second quantity by the same multiple to preserve the ratio.

We saw in the cake example that increasing both the amount of milk and the amount of flour by the same multiple preserved the ratio.

This image shows 2 squares, 8 circles and 2 cake. Ask your teacher for more information

Two cakes require twice the ingredients of one cake, but in the same proportion.

And since this is an equivalence relation, we can also say the same for the reverse:

This image shows 1 square, 4 circles and 1 cake. Ask your teacher for more information.

One cake requires half the ingredients of two cakes, but in the same proportion.

Two ratios are equivalent if one of the ratios can be increased or decreased by some multiple to be equal to the other ratio.

A special type of equivalent ratio is a simplified ratio .

Simplified ratio

A ratio that has no equivalent ratio with smaller integer values

The two integers in the ratio have a greatest common factor of 1. Therefore, all ratios equivalent to the simplified ratio have to be multiples of it.

To simplify a ratio, we can identify the greatest common factor (or the largest integer that can evenly divide both numbers in the ratio) and divide both parts of the ratio by it.

Let's say we have a recipe for 5 cakes using 25 cups of flour. The ratio of the number of cakes to the number of cups of flour is 5:25.

To simplify the ratio we can see that both 5 and 25 can be evenly divided by 5.

\dfrac{5}{5}: \dfrac{25}{5}= 1:5

The simplified ratio tells us that one cake requires 5 cups of flour. This is very useful information for planning ingredients for lots of cakes.


Example 1

The ratio of tables to chairs is 1:2. If there are 14 chairs, how many tables are there?

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Multiply the both sides of ratio by a number to get the equivalent ratio.

Apply the idea

The ratio 1:2 says that each table has two chairs.

\displaystyle 1 : 2\displaystyle =\displaystyle ⬚ : 14Rewrite the equivalent ratio
\displaystyle 1 : 2\displaystyle =\displaystyle 1 \cdot ⬚ : 2 \cdot ⬚What number should be multiplied to 2 to become 14
\displaystyle 1 : 2\displaystyle =\displaystyle 1 \cdot 7 : 2 \cdot 7Multiply by 7
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 7 : 14Evaulate

So, If there are 14 chairs, then we will need 7 tables.

Example 2

The ratio of players to teams is 60:10. If there are only 12 students present, how many teams can be made?

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Divide both sides of the ratio by a number to get the equivalent ratio.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle 60 : 10\displaystyle =\displaystyle 60 \div 5 : 10 \div 5Divide by 5
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 12 : 2Evaulate

So, If there are 12 students, then there will be 2 teams.

Example 3

Simplify the ratio 10:24.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Simplify the ratio by dividing each part by a common factor to find the equivalent ratio.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle 10:24\displaystyle =\displaystyle \frac{10}{2} : \frac{24}{2}Divide by a common factor
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 5 : 12Evaluate

Example 4

Write 54 cents to \$3.00 as a fully simplified ratio.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Convert the dollar value into cents, then divide by a common factor to simplify.

Apply the idea


\displaystyle 54 : \$ 3.00\displaystyle =\displaystyle 54 : 300 Convert dollar value into cents
\displaystyle =\displaystyle \frac{54}{6} : \frac{300}{6} Divide by 6
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 9 : 50 Evaluate
Idea summary

Two ratios are equivalent if one of the ratios can be increased or decreased by some multiple to be equal to the other ratio.

A ratio is a simplified ratio if there is no equivalent ratio with smaller integer values.

Ratio tables

We can use a ratio table to represent a series of equivalent ratios.

For example, if a pie recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of brown sugar for every 2 cups of flour, we could write this as a ratio: 2:1.

In a ratio table we have:


We can also use a ratio table to help us determine unknown values. For example, if we wanted to find out how much flour is needed when we use 12 tablespoons of brown sugar, we have the following:


We can determine the corresponding amount of flour to 12 tablespoons of brown sugar by finding equivalent ratios.

\displaystyle 6:3\displaystyle =\displaystyle 12 : ⬚Equivalent ratios
\displaystyle 6:3\displaystyle =\displaystyle 6\cdot 2 : 3 \cdot 2Multiply both parts of the ratio by 2
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 12:6

Therefore, for every 12 tablespoons of brown sugar, we can use 6 cups of flour.

You may have noticed that there was another way to find this using the table.


We can see in the table that for 4 cups of flour we need 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, and for 8 cups of flour we need 4 tablespoons of brown sugar.

We know that 4 + 8 = 12 so we could have added 2 + 4 to get the 6 tablespoons of brown sugar.


Example 5

The table shows the ratio of dogs to cats:


Complete the table of equivalent ratios.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

We can find the equivalent ratios by multiplying or dividing both sides of a ratio by the same value.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle 9:5\displaystyle =\displaystyle 9 \cdot 3:5 \cdot 3Multiply by 3
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 27:15Evaluate
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 9\cdot 5: 5 \cdot 5Multiply by 5
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 45: 25Evaluate
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 9\cdot 10: 5 \cdot 10Multiply by 10
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 90: 50Evaluate

If there are 270 dogs, how many cats are there expected to be?

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Find the multiple number and multiply to the number of cats.

Apply the idea

We can find the multiple by which the number of dogs has increased, by dividing 270 by 9. We get a multiple of 30 and multiply to the number of cats which is 30 \cdot 5 = 150.

So, If there are 270 dogs, there are 150 cats. The correct option is A.

Example 6

Kate and Laura are selling cakes at a bake sale. For every 6 cakes that Kate sells, she will make \$15. For every 24 cakes that Laura sells, she will make \$53. Whose cakes are more expensive?


Fill in the missing gaps in the table for Kate.

\text{Cakes sold}61830
\text{Earning } (\$)306075
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

For Kate, the cakes and earnings is in the ratio 6:15.

Find the equivalent fractions to fill in missing gaps in the table.

Apply the idea

Each time the number of cakes increase by 6, earnings increase by 15.This means we get:

\text{Cakes sold}612182430
\text{Earning } \left(\$\right)1530456075

Fill in the missing gaps in the table for Laura.

\text{Cakes sold}487296120
\text{Earning } \left(\$\right)53159212265
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

For Laura, the cakes and earnings should increase in the ratio 24:53.

Apply the idea

Each time the number of cakes increase by 24, earnings increase by 53. This means we get:

\text{Cakes sold}24487296120
\text{Earning } \left(\$\right)53106159212265

Whose cakes are more expensive?

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Use the tables from part (a) and part (b).

Apply the idea

Comparing the two tables from part (a) and (b), Kate makes \$60 from 24 cakes, and Laura only makes \$53 from 24 cakes. This means that Kate's cakes are more expensive than Laura's.

Idea summary

We can use ratio tables to determine unknown values by multiplying or dividing. All of the values in the table will be equivalent ratios.



The student will use ratios to represent relationships between quantities, including those in context.


Create a table of equivalent ratios to represent a proportional relationship between two quantities, when given a ratio.


Create a table of equivalent ratios to represent a proportional relationship between two quantities, when given a contextual situation.

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