We now know that decimals, fractions and percentages are just different ways of showing the same value:
1\% can be written as \dfrac{1}{100} or 1 hundredth or 0.01
Move the slider to generate different numbers and use the checkboxes to show their equivalent fractions, decimals, and percentages.
What is the decimal and percentage equivalent of \dfrac{2}{5}?
A single column of small squares is what fraction of the larger square?
What do you notice when the 'Show equivalent fraction' checkbox appears?
There are some common conversions that we can remember to help us convert between percentages, fractions and decimals.
Write the fraction, decimal, and percent that represents this illustration.
Convert between percentages, fractions and decimals to complete the table shown.
Write the answers as mixed number percentages and simplified mixed numbers where necessary.
Fraction | Decimal | Percentage |
11\% | ||
0.83 | ||
\dfrac{5}{8} |
Decimals, fractions and percentages can be converted between each other using the relationship:
1\%=\dfrac{1}{100}=\text{ One Hundredth }=0.01