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The student will create models and solve problems, including those in context, involving surface area and volume of rectangular and triangular prisms, cylinders, cones, pyramids, and spheres.


Create models and solve problems, including those in context, involving surface area of threedimensional figures, as well as composite three-dimensional figures.


Solve multistep problems, including those in context, involving volume of three-dimensional figures, as well as composite three-dimensional figures.


Determine unknown measurements of three-dimensional figures using information such as length of a side, area of a face, or volume.


The student will determine the effect of changing one or more dimensions of a three-dimensional geometric figure and describe the relationship between the original and changed figure.


Describe how changes in one or more dimensions of a figure affect other derived measures (perimeter, area, total surface area, and volume) of the figure.


Describe how changes in surface area and/or volume of a figure affect the measures of one or more dimensions of the figure.


Solve problems, including those in context, involving changing the dimensions or derived measures of a three-dimensional figure.

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